Thursday, December 30, 2010

Another Chance

“It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.”  Lamentations 3:22-23

When my daughter graduated from high school, her principal gave a closing address that has remained with me ever since.  After acknowledging and saluting the accomplishments of the graduating class, he said to them and to us all:  Now, you get to start over.  Nothing that you’ve done in high school matters – whether you were at the top of your class or just barely making it.  Right now, everyone has the same chance of being successful.   In effect, he said, you all get the chance to be the person that you wish to be, regardless of your past.  It does not have to determine your future.  In other words, you get a clean slate.  For me, that was profound and, what I thought, every graduating student needed to hear.
So my daughter went on to college.  I don’t know if the parting words of her former principal impacted her as much as they did me but I can tell you this:  the student she was in high is not the student she is in college.  She’s focused, determined and she now has purpose.  She’s proud of her accomplishments and rightfully so because she has succeeded where others have failed.  I applaud her, I celebrate her and I’m so very proud of her, too.  But more than anything, I’m grateful that she did not succumb to the desire to just give in and accept her past academic history as an indicator of the type of student she could be.  She had the courage to change and for that, I appreciate her.  Freshman year has become a defining moment for her.  Now she knows just what she is capable of achieving.  And she has become a living embodiment and illustration of her principal’s speech. 

Every day we also get another chance to get it right, according to our scripture.  New mercy and fresh forgiveness is reloaded for us every single day.  I, for one, am infinitely grateful for the many opportunities I’ve had for a “do over."  I thank God for them!  The fact that I don’t have to continue to be the person that I’ve become or continue down the path that I’ve chosen is exciting to me.  If I don’t like the direction my life has taken, I have the power to change it.  I get to do it again, I get to it over, I get do it better.  We are empowered to change.  That is good news. 

At this time of year, we especially recognize the need to change how we’ve done things in the past.  This is our fresh start. So let us move forward with purpose, keeping in mind our ultimate goal of being better people, living better lives, with a determination to be a more positive influence on those around us.  Let us resolve to impact the lives of our circle of friends, coworkers and family in such a way as to leave a legacy and a pattern for those to follow who come after us. 

So Happy New Year.  Happy New Start.  Happy New You.

Be blessed,



  1. This is not the time of the new year for the people of God. This new year celebration began with the belief in god Janus. He was Greek mythology. He was seen as the beginning and ending of things, the opening and closing of doors.

    But God's new year for his people (us and all who believe in him) takes place at the time of Passover. If you think about it this is the end of winter and the beginning of spring. God stated that this would be the begininning of years to his people. Whether a true vine or grafted in April is the beginning of the new year for God's people.

    Be blessed!

  2. Hey Denise - those are good points but the Bible also tells us that whatever we do, we do as unto God. So one person can choose to observe days and the other treat every day the same or one can choose to eat certain foods and another to abstain - it's all good as long as it is to the glory of God. That's how you and I can serve the same God and yet each in our own way.

  3. Happy New Year and Happy New Start! Thanks Loria! :)

  4. Thanks, NaDonya! I hope this is just the beginning of great things for both of us!

  5. That was a very profound statement...I wished that every High School graduate could hear those words...It just might make a difference to some to know that they have an opportunity to start over, a second chance to get it right... : )

  6. Thanks, JoAnn! His words certainly stayed with me

  7. Happy New Year. Happy New Start. Happy New Us!

  8. Norvella - so far, it's off to a wonderful start!


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